Melissa Murphree
I grew up in Cahaba Heights, a small town on the outskirts of Birmingham, AL. Cahaba Heights is so small that everybody knows everybody and my cousins and I even had the same kindergarten teacher when we went through school. My kindergarten teacher, Ms. Lindley, knows my entire family and we all adore her. Looking back, I know that Ms. Lindley truly loved and still loves her job as a teacher. As a young girl in her classroom, I enjoyed learning and I loved going to school every day because of her. She made school fun and she instilled a passion for it within me. I credit my small town and my kindergarten teacher for helping me decide my career path. Ms. Lindley is the reason why I chose to pursue education as a career. I hope that one day, in my own classroom, I can inspire my students to enjoy learning because it truly is something to admire and love.